DevFest Toulouse is a Toulouse community-driven conference, and administratively supported by GDG Toulouse.
To make all this possible, an awesome team of volunteers is working behind the scenes.
Core Team
Aurélie Vache
Duchess France / Toulouse Data Science
Elodie Lerare
Emmanuel Vinas
GDG Toulouse
Hadrien Toma
Igor Laborie
Julien Del Rio
GDG Toulouse
Julien Renaux
Président GDG Toulouse
Kevin Davin
GDG Toulouse & Toulouse JUG
Maxime Pawlak
GDG Toulouse
Michaël Pailloncy
Toulouse JAM / JUG
Serge Boucher
Vincent Ferries
Toulouse JUG
Alexia Audevart
Toulouse Data Science
Didier Plaindoux
Toulouse JUG
Lionel Porcheron
Toulouse DevOps
Jean Martineau-Figuette
React Meetup
Simon Chemouil
Toulouse Rust Meetup
Thibault Ducret
Python Toulouse